Thursday NatSec Roundup

A Lockheed S-3A Viking aircraft from the anti-submarine squadron VS-37 Sawbucks on 11 Dec 1986, assigned to Carrier Air Wing Fourteen (CVW-14) aboard the aircraft carrier USS Constellation (CV-64). By US Navy, Public Domain, Link
People never lie so much as after a hunt, during a war, or before an election.
- Interesting stuff on the changing domestic conditions for the US-India relationship in the United States. India has historically been able to rely on relatively good relations with Congress, and especially with Congressional Democrats. With Modi, and with the latest changes to the status of Kashmir, that may be changing.
- Hard to say how it will all play out, but we’ve come a long way from Turkish F-16s shooting down a Russian plane along the Syrian border.
- POTUS ripping up Open Skies because of course he is.
- Nice long read on the S-3 Viking ASW aircraft and the people who flew it. Allowing ASW capability to deteriorate post-Cold War may end up being one of the more serious recent mistakes of naval doctrine and procurement.
- China is developing the capability to crank out supercarriers. Please, someone tell them that aircraft carriers are obsolete!
- Detailed look at the conditions of life in northern Syria, prior to the Turkish intervention. A bit more on what the Turks are destroying.