Remembering the Show With the Highest Pretension-to-Achievement Ratio in History
You have perhaps seen this make the rounds on the Twitter dot come website, but given my interests in the matter I am compelled to share this:
the thing about this The Newsroom clip doing the rounds is it is genuinely impossible to pick the worst element out of the writing, acting, directing, score— Hannah Jane Parkinson (@ladyhaja) September 12, 2019
Rank misogyny! Overacting! Self-aggrandizing men with no discernible basis for being self-aggrandizing! Badly written didacticism! Did I mention the misogyny? It really is the show in a nutshell.
But as djw has pointed out, the show announced that it would be dreadful in the first episode, in which the Great Man Just Ask Him is given a silly straw question and response with a lengthy monologue — replete with lots of memorized factoids, because all of the dialogue in the show is a dumb person’s idea of how smart people SPEAK TRUTH TO STUPID — whose theme is literally “Make America Great Again.” And now, the punchline:
This is a bizarrely persuasive case that Aaron Sorkin literally read a table from the CIA world factbook upside down and put the upside down number in the opening scene of The Newsroom— Dylan Matthews (@dylanmatt) September 12, 2019
They just don’t make prestige TV this bad anymore.