Famous White Guy With No Relevant Knowledge Gets Elite Platform To Urge Complacency on Climate Change
The fact that this exists is much more interesting and telling than anything in the content of the article. Some choice observations/threads:
Franzen says he does his own climate modeling just using his personal brain worms and that’s just as valuable as actual science and honestly this is everything that’s wrong with powerful white dudes – everyone just lets them think their minds are the most valuable assets on Earth https://t.co/ueX74etq64— Erin Biba (@erinbiba) September 8, 2019
Yes, a global avg temperature rise of 1.5 degrees will be better and safer for humanity than one of 2 degrees. But a 2 degree world is still better than a 3 degree world, which is better than 4 or 5 or 8. Cutting emissions isn’t EVER “pointless.”— Sarah Kaplan (@sarahkaplan48) September 8, 2019
2. It absolutely forking does matter how much we overshoot 2C by unless by long run he’s referencing when the earth spirals into the sun. Google the RCPs pic.twitter.com/DCpzCVZoQe— Kendra “Gloom is My Beat” Pierre-Louis (@KendraWrites) September 8, 2019
It’s exactly shit like Franzen’s essay in the @NewYorker that prompted me to write this: https://t.co/dzwvHypZ3m— Amy Westervelt (@amywestervelt) September 8, 2019
When the evidence became overwhelming, the fossil fuel apologists jumped from denialism to defeatism on the climate crisis. It sounds more scientifically rigorous to say it's too late but the implications are exactly the same as when they said it wasn't happening. https://t.co/BdLRkbR0y2— Lindsay Beyerstein (@beyerstein) September 8, 2019