Steven Attewell: The Patreon!
After several delays and a good deal of consideration, I’ve finally taken the plunge and started a Patreon campaign. Initially, I wanted to wait until the bulk of Kickstarter rewards were fulfilled, because I don’t like double-dipping on people. And then life got in the way…
Anyway, the goal for the Patreon is to help me shift from writing about the intersection of history, politics, and pop culture (including but not limited to ASOIAF and comics) mostly for a hobby towards writing about it for a living.
So if you can chip in a little bit per month to help me achieve that goal (or can help spread the word on social media about the campaign), it would be greatly appreciated.
Either way, I’ve had a great time writing and chatting with you all for these past years, and hope to keep the conversation going for many years to come.