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LGM Beer Talk: We Need More Beers That Serve As Industrial Grade Liquids


Haven’t had a good beer talk in awhile. I was reminded of that when I ran across this, uh, interesting discovery.

As digital technology has advanced and smartphones have become ubiquitous, the Super 8 movie cameras of the 1960s, ’70s, and ’80s have practically gone extinct. Dogfish Head and Kodak are collaborating on a product that makes the format a lot more convenient for modern amateur filmmakers. According to the Associated Press, their new SuperEIGHT beer doubles as a developer for Super 8 film.


Unlike digital video, which is ready to view as soon as its recorded, Super 8 film needs to be chemically processed first. In 2018, the founder and CEO of Dogfish Head Craft Brewery Sam Calagione went on Kodak’s podcast The Kodakery to talk about analog film. There he learned that certain beers with high acidity and vitamin C content can be used to develop old-fashioned film.

Following that conversation, Dogfish Head joined forces with Kodak to create a beer specifically for that purpose. The new SuperEIGHT beer is a sour German-style wheat beer with 5.3 percent alcohol content. The key ingredients include blackberry, boysenberry, elderberry, raspberry, kiwi, mango, prickly pear, quinoa, and Hawaiian sea salt. According to Dogfish Head, the drink “has a slightly tart taste and pleasantly refreshing finish, with delicious flavors of berries and watermelon.” And if imbibers can resist drinking it all, they can use some to develop their home movies.

I for one find it outrageous that I can’t use my beer as antifreeze.

Blue Moon’s creator is now making a cannabis-infused beer. I was confused by this entire idea at first since putting marijuana and alcohol in the same beverage seemed like a really, really, really bad idea, but it turns out it is an alcohol-free beer. I guess that’s interesting, or it would be if it was made by an inventor of a beer that was good. Which is very much not Blue Moon. I get that it is actually a historically important beer of modern times because it introduced a generation of Americans to Belgian-style beers, but it’s about the worst possible Belgian-style beer, even more so than Stella Artois, which is boring but at least competently made.

Although now I’m reminded that I spent a couple of days in Leuven, Belgium this summer, which is the home of Stella Artois, and I didn’t even consider touring the factory because why would I bother when I could go anywhere and drink a vastly superior beer.

Only in Utah would a brewery actually publicly oppose a move to allow beer to be sold as high as a whopping 4.8%.

The sheer stupidity of the Budweiser attack ads on other beers for using corn syrup has predictably reached the courts, with MillerCoors suing. Root for injuries.

The ridiculous image for this post comes from here.

As for breweries I’ve visited recently, as I’ve been on the road a lot the last couple of months, I’ve had a good many in a few parts of the nation. Burlington was obviously amazing, with Burlington Beer Company my personal favorite there. But equally as outstanding was Oliphant Brewing in tiny Somerset, Wisconsin. The brewery isn’t much bigger than a postage stamp either. But boy do they do some fine stuff. I rarely drink scotch ales because they are usually too sweet, but I got a flight here and like the smoked scotch so well that I brought a crowler of it back to Rhode Island. I have recently begun to take my Camelbak pack with me anytime I have to check a bag so I can fill it with beers to bring home, which has been fun and allowed me to have some pretty good stuff in my fridge.

Anyway, an open thread for all things beer, except I don’t want the tireless conversation about how IPAs are taking over the world because 5 out of 20 taps in a bar are dedicated to the style. Just don’t.

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