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If You Come At the Queen, You Best Not Miss


In a true whomp-whomp moment, the guy who tried his best to get Nancy Pelosi replaced with a random more conservative white guy to be named later is pretending to think about running for president:

Massachusetts Rep. Seth Moulton is thinking about running for president, he told BuzzFeed News in an exclusive interview.

The Democrat, best known for being a vocal critic of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, spent the 2018 cycle mentoring and endorsing Democratic candidates nationwide, work that has taken him through early presidential states like Iowa and made him a rising Democratic star [LOL-ed.]. He is fresh off a trip to New Hampshire, where he spoke to Democrats in Bedford last weekend.

“I’m thinking about running for president,” Moulton told BuzzFeed News. “I’m not definitely running, but I’m going to take a very hard look at it. A very serious look at it. Because I believe it’s time for a new generation of leadership, and we gotta send Donald Trump packing.”

Translation: “my political career is going to top out as an uninfluential House backbencher, and I might not even be able to survive a primary in 2020.” Moultonmentum!

Speaking of not ready for prime time cable access:

To be Scrupulously Fair, the pro-Assad pro-Modi pro-gay conversion therapy pro-Seth Rich troofer lane in the Democratic primaries remains wide open. If only there were any voters there Tulsi would be in great shape.

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