Twist Ending
If The Federalist is right-wing media’s dumb younger brother, American Thinker has to be its cousin who was repeatedly dropped on his head as a child. It’s the only way to explain opinion pieces like this. It appears Americans need to do quite a bit more Thinking.
I finally got it. After the election of President Trump, I’ve been growing ever more confused about the lack of reason from the Democrats, trending into outright craziness. Marching with vagina hats? Claiming that the “Russians did it”? Beating Trump-supporters with bike locks?
Yes, its weird that so many liberals–after exhausting themselves by beating Trump supporters with *checks notes* bike locks–came to the conclusion that Russia had tampered with our elections after several intelligence agencies said that this was an undeniable fact, no less.
Yet I have friends who are Democrats
Democrat FRIENDS! Oooooh, I bet they attend dinner parties where they are frequently owned!
who believe these women and are twisting themselves into pretzels to claim that these events must have happened exactly as the women described.
Get a load of these moonbats over here, believing women when they relive past traumas!
Why is this? Recently, my husband and I went out for breakfast, and I finally understood.
This is gonna be good.
I imagined that in the lovely restaurant in which we were seated, a man in full Nazi regalia walked in. Let’s say he was wearing the whole uniform, including an armband with a swastika and polished jackboots. Instantly, I would know that this man is evil. His ideology is that of genocide and war. If a girl walked up to me, pointed at him, and claimed rape, I would believe her. Of course she’s right and he’s a rapist, because look at him! He’s a monster. I wouldn’t require proof. I wouldn’t need it.
Well, that’s weird. Because while all Nazis were most certainly genocidally evil they probably weren’t all rapists. That being said I’m excited to see where this train of thought stops. I bet it’s at Crazy Town!
And now I have my answer.
The Democrats have demonized Republicans to such an extent that they believe we are not human. We’re monsters, and we deserve whatever they can do to us.
The level of projection here is so astounding I’ve been just blinded by its light, but that aside I do love that denying one jar of mayonnaise in a Brooks Brothers suit a seat on the Supreme Court somehow rises to the level of comparisons to the politics of Nazi Germany in the author’s mind.
This, by the way, is exactly what the Nazis did to the Jews.
Well, I did Nazi that coming.
The End