Heckuva Job

Well, this should be very reassuring to the Carolinas:
With Hurricane Florence churning toward the Carolinas, President Trump on Tuesday hailed his administration’s response to last year’s storm in Puerto Rico, where researchers have estimated there were nearly 3,000 excess deaths.
In remarks in the Oval Office, Trump said his administration’s response to Hurricane Maria was “an incredible, unsung success” and incorrectly suggested that Puerto Rico had virtually no electricity before the storm.
It was “one of the best jobs that’s ever been done with respect to what this is all about,” Trump said. He was speaking in response to questions from reporters after receiving a briefing on Florence.
Trump has repeatedly asserted that his administration did a “fantastic job” in response to the disaster. Yet he has come under criticism that the response was ineffective and that the death toll would have been far lower had his administration reacted more quickly.
Having an 18th century anachronism reject the will of the people and install an unfathomably incompetent and corrupt racist as President of the United States seemed like a great idea, what went wrong?