America’s Most Useless Pundit Makes America’s Most Useless Argument
A question:
I’m not sure I like where this is going. Let’s check the byline…
Frank Bruni
Oh gawd…
What if it also takes a billionaire to take down a billionaire?
That was the theory behind giving Michael Bloomberg a prime speaking spot at the Democratic National Convention, where his mockery of Donald Trump carried extra zing and sting. And that’s the idea — well, one of the ideas — behind Bloomberg’s possible bid for the presidency in 2020.
Yup, nothing says “serious candidate for the 2020 Democratic nomination” like “an extremely wealthy white guy whose target audience is people who supported Joe Lieberman in 2004 but wish he had run further to the right.” To be Scrupulously Fair Bruni seems to realize that his dream is going nowhere, which just makes the column all the more useless.
As Paul says, the danger here is not that he has any chance of being the Democratic nominee, but that after he finishes 9th in Iowa after an endless supply of media puffery he gets pissy and runs a vanity wank campaign.