Drain That Swamp!
Donald Trump continues to drain the swamp, this time by naming a new acting director of the National Park Service who is a former NRA lobbyist and who more recently, during his NPS career, went to bat for Dan Snyder, making a deal so that the scumbag owner of the Washington Racists could chop down a bunch of trees in the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historic Park because they blocked the view of the Potomac from his huge mansion. But hey, he has Ryan Zinke’s approval, so what more do you need to vouch for someone’s character? This 2014 article talks about how the deal “wrecked a great park ranger’s career.” Well, not so sure that the guy was a great park ranger, but in any case, the reign of Donald Trump will resurrect any detested scab on the American body politic. Just look at Rudy Giuliani!