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Conservatives Used to Have Some Sort of Governing Philosophy, Right?


TRIGGER-WARNING: Pedophilia, rape, incest. The link below is profoundly disturbing and may not be appropriate all readers; it wasn’t for me.

I was never one of those people who thought that both liberals and conservatives wanted to solve the same problems, but differently. The problem of poverty was never going to be solved by conservatives, who are at best indifferent it. But I did think that though most of their politics–while horrible–were at least governed by a desire to say, show off military might or enrich business owners. They were governing to achieve policy goals, even if they were terrible goals. Now, I’m not sure that  conservatives (and remember lots of Independents and Libertarians are, in fact, conservative) care about anything beyond their next fix of owning the libs.

People voted for Roy Moore, a racist pedophile. And they’ll vote for this guy, an “independent” who is a Nazi-sympathizing pedophile who advocates for rape so that women can give birth to children, whom he refers to as “fuck toys.”  He won’t get a lot of votes, but he will probably get at least one. After all, he’s independent! He’ll shake things up! He’s not an elite! And,honestly, the idea that women are mainly objects to be controlled and impregnated (the younger the better) is not an uncommon in hyper-conservative evangelical circles at all. People who believe these things vote, and they vote in lockstep, making them incredibly dangerous.

There are currently several open white supremacists running for office at various levels of government. These people feel emboldened by the Trump administration, by the general anything goes atmosphere.

I don’t know where all this is going. The current political climate is depraved; there’s no other way to say it. Thousands of Puerto Ricans are dead and our president hasn’t given it even a nanosecond of thought. I don’t know where all this insanity ends. But I feel scared and hopeless.

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