Kanye loves you. But everyone else still thinks you’re an asshole.
It’s not unusual for Republicans to think the support of one or two African-Americans means that they’ve wrapped up the black vote. If we all look alike, we must all vote alike. Or something.
However, tRump and his gross son are unusually stupid, so they’re going to be unusually disappointed when they finds that sharing Dragon Energy with Kanye West and a single Tweet from Chance the Rapper don’t cause people to ignore the fact that the GOP has a serious racist-piece-of-shit problem which has become so severe that a man who can barely bring himself to criticize white supremacists is in the White House.
In fact, Chance has already provided a full clarification of his comment, which includes an unambiguous stiff-arming of the Commander-in-Orange.
If you don’t have time to read his full response at the moment, here’s the Tl;Dr.