Mike Pence’s Gay Bunny
I’ve been absent from the blog lately as I make a mad dash to the finish on my book manuscript and worriedly Google whether or not I’m still young enough to be drafted in John Bolton’s inevitable war. But dropping in to offer this.
This is the story of a little gay bunny.
A little gay bunny who belongs to Vice President Mike Pence.
A little fictional gay bunny whose book is beating the memoir of James B. Comey, the former F.B.I. director, on the Amazon best-seller list.
This is the story of Marlon Bundo, the Instagram star and real-life pet of the vice president’s family, who is also the subject of two dueling children’s books released this week.
The first, “Marlon Bundo’s Day in the Life of the Vice President,” is a picture book written by Mr. Pence’s daughter Charlotte that focuses on the bunny’s observations of the vice president, with illustrations by his wife, Karen.
The other, “Last Week Tonight With John Oliver Presents a Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo,” is a gay romance between two bunnies that was the brainchild of the HBO comedy host John Oliver.
So far, that is the more popular of the two.
In it, Marlon Bundo, a snappily dressed bunny with a penchant for bright bow ties, falls in love with a bespectacled boy bunny named Wesley. Things seem to be going pretty well for the two lovebirds (love bunnies?) until a powerful stinkbug who bears a striking resemblance to Mr. Pence decrees that male bunnies cannot marry each other.
In the grand tradition of children’s literature, the story ends on a happy note. An image released by the book’s publisher, Chronicle Books, shows Marlon Bundo and Wesley standing in a field, wearing tuxedos, as a cat in clerical garb marries them.