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I know that my logging book is not designed to be a best-seller, although I did write it as a readable history. The price doesn’t help. It won’t literally cost you an arm and a leg now that it is in paper, but it’s still pretty pricey for a book these days. That said, I’ve published bits of it in various places and have placed them all on my Academia page. You might be interested in a look so I am linking them. Slightly reworked parts of chapter 1 and 2, on masculinity, the forest, and the IWW, were recently published in a conference proceedings for the Rachel Carson Center, a conference that took me to Munich in 2016 so that didn’t suck. A slightly condensed version of Chapter 3, on the International Woodworkers of America, the CIO-affiliated timber union and their embrace of environmentalism in the late 1930s and 1940s, was published in the Western Historical Quarterly. And most of Chapter 5, on countercultural reforestation efforts in the 1970s, came out in Pacific Northwest Quarterly. Of course, buying the book helps support my research a little bit so feel free to buy, buy, buy!

Now that I’ve published a couple of books and write on the blog, it’s interesting to see what happens and what doesn’t happen. What has not happened ever, except for at my own alma mater, is for me to be asked to participate in conference panels, roundtables, or publications on writing for the public. Nearly every conference has these now and given that my audience is probably in the top 0.5% of historians, I find this odd. Maybe it has to do that so much of my writing is political in nature and that this is seen as a Political Science blog. So that’s mildly frustrating. But what has happened is that I now get asked to write what are basically extended but researched blog posts that become academic publications. That’s certainly a nice thing. I have a bunch of this sort of thing in various stages of writing/publication. The first one came out recently in the Journal of Food Law and Policy on the Trump administration and food labor. Guess what? It’s going to suck even more than it already does after a year.

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