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Collins Is A No Again


The CBO released as good an analysis of Graham-Cassidy as was possible under the timeframe. SPOILER: it is disastrously bad legislation:

“The number of people with comprehensive health insurance that covers high-cost medical events would be reduced by millions,” when compared with Obamacare, the CBO’s analysts said.

The coverage losses would result from Medicaid cuts, cuts to tax subsidies for people to purchase private insurance, and the repeal of Obamacare’s individual mandate, the CBO said.

But that’s about as specific as the office could be.

The CBO has said it will take weeks to fully assess the plan, including exactly how many people would have health insurance under the bill or what would happen to insurance premiums.

But we do have more specific outside estimates on the previous version of the bill: upward of 20 million fewer Americans with health insurance and hundreds of billions of dollars in cuts to federal health care spending.

I only caught snippets of last night’s debate, but I still saw Graham and Cassidy blatantly lie by stating or implying that they want to take the same money and give it to the states multiple times.

I never thought a Collins vote was viable, but she made it official:

Sen. Susan Collins of Maine, a key Republican vote on health care, announced Monday that she will oppose the last-ditch GOP effort to overhaul Obamacare, essentially leaving the bill dead.

Given how much Republican donors hate the ACA repeal is never truly dead, but it’s hard to see any repeal bill passing by September 30 at this point.

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