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The Cosby Trial


I strongly recommend all of the reporting Diana Moskovitz has been doing on the Cosby trial. This is especially good:

At some point, Andrea Constand’s story became not her own.

At first it was because of the media trucks, parked in front of her family’s home back in Canada before she even had a chance to talk to police in person back in Pennsylvania. Then it was the machinations in which the American legal system works, where police and lawyers are supposed to do the talking for you. And then it was due to a nondisclosure agreement, practically par for the course in American civil suits, especially those involving someone with the wealth and fame of Bill Cosby, which didn’t allow her to talk about the night she said the once legendary comedian drugged her, then sexually assaulted her at his own home. Her story was always invoked by someone else—a lawyer, a police officer, a court document, a candidate for district attorney, or the dozens of women who came forward after her.

On Tuesday, finally, Constand spoke for herself about what happened that night. She told it with a powerful composure, while under oath and with Cosby sitting just feet away, never losing her cool even under cross examination (which wasn’t wrapped up today and will be concluded tomorrow). Her account will be the most detailed one given to jurors, as Cosby’s legal team has said he won’t testify.

Her testimony will be, for those who have followed the Cosby case closely, in some ways quite familiar. But this time, for the first time in a long time, Constand was able to speak directly about what happened in her own words.

And, yes, it’s worth remembering the role that Deadspin’s former parent site played in Cosby having to face charges. I’ve made this point before, but a 500 page biography of Cosby came out in 2014 that didn’t mention the sexual assault allegations at all, and reviews often glanced off this point or ignored it entirely. Without Buress and Scocca, the charges might have remained buried.

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