Richard Spencer – Angry again, angry again
“God, this is going to make me sound pathetic, but it feels a little bit like getting dumped by your girlfriend.”
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) June 16, 2017
The complaint of the Punching Bag Who Walks Like a Man may sound familiar. That’s because like all tough right wing types he’s a natural born whiner.
November – Disappointed because the Day-Glo Dickhead disavowed white supremacists (except Bannon).
December – Distances his dapper Nazis from Napoleorange.
April – Disappointed the Half Wit in the White House ordered air strikes in Syria.
Clearly there’s a pattern and that pattern is whining because tRump is being mean to him. But I’m glad he whined again to TPM, otherwise the world might not have been treated to Cuckito ergo sum.