Lying Liars Lie Shamelessly About Unimaginably Horrible Legislation
It’s truly shocking that Tom Price would lack integrity:
Price appeared on CNN’s State of the Union Sunday morning, sitting for an interview with Jake Tapper. There, he faced a question about the fact that the Republican plan cuts more than $800 billion from Medicaid.
“Are you actually saying that $880 billion in cuts, according to CBO… that that is not going to result in millions of Americans not getting Medicaid?” Tapper asked.
“Absolutely not,” Price responded. “We believe the Medicaid population will be cared for in a better way under our program because it will be more responsive to them.”
Price’s statement is at odds with everything we know about the American Health Care Act. As Tapper notes, the Congressional Budget Office evaluated a previous version of the bill and estimated that it would cut $880 billion from the Medicaid program.
CBO also estimates that AHCA would cause 14 million people to lose their Medicaid coverage by 2026. This would mostly be a result of AHCA ended the Medicaid expansion in 2020, a program estimated to cover 12 million low-income Americans.
Elsewhere, on NBC’s Meet the Press, Price argued that one big problem with the Affordable Care Act is that too few people have coverage:
No, what we’re trying to do is to make certain that every single person has health coverage. Remember, there are 20 million people right now in this country who have said to the federal government, said to the previous administration, “Nonsense, I’m not going to participate in your plan. I’ll either pay a fine through the I.R.S. or I’ll get a waiver.” That’s 20 million individuals who don’t have coverage, and we ought to say, “Why don’t they have coverage?” And try to fix that.
This would be a good argument if Price were talking about a bill that would increase the number of Americans with insurance coverage.
The Republican plan, however, is not that bill. The most recent CBO estimate predicts that 24 million Americans would lose coverage under AHCA. The majority of those would be people losing coverage would be Medicaid enrollees but also that 2 million Americans would lose individual plans. An additional 7 million Americans would lose coverage, as CBO expects the Republican plan would encourage some workplaces to drop their offerings.
Hey, lying their ass off about their healthcare plans while the media wanked on about EMAILS! helped Republicans get here, so why stop now?