“Don’t give me the babe in the woods routine, Karen. I’ve heard those tapes.”
It should go without saying that James Comey’s defense of the indefensible yesterday was preposterous:
I do love this detail, however:
Comey also emphasized that he “didn’t make a public announcement” about the renewed investigation but rather sent a “private letter” to the leaders of the congressional oversight committees. That statement drew laughter from Feinstein.
“On the letter, it was just a matter of minutes before the world knew about it,” Feinstein said.
Yes, nobody could have possibly anticipated that a principled, nonpartisan public servant like Jason Chaffetz would immediately leak the letter! Don’t blame poor, innocent James Comey!
Incidentally, I think people are giving far too much credit to Comey’s aggressive professions of nonpartisanship. I don’t think he was trying to consciously throw the election per se, and I doubt he thought the letter would change the result of the election. But I also have no doubt that a crucial reason he violated norms and procedures to tamper with the election twice is that he thought that Crooked Hillary had acted badly, even if a crime couldn’t be pinned on her, and needed to be put in her place. The answer to the question of whether Comey is a partisan hack or a self-serving chickenshit remains “both.” Definitely the latter too, though — the “catastrophe” that would have allegedly resulted if he followed procedure and failed to release highly prejudicial information about Clinton before the election would seem to be “Republicans would say more mean things about me.”