Republican Pollution Policy
Your Republican congresscritters:
Rep. Scott Perry was asked at a town hall in Red Lion on Saturday if he supported President Donald Trump’s proposed cuts to the Environmental Protection Agency in light of Pennsylvania’s “history of environmental problems.”
“Don’t we need a stronger EPA to protect the environment?” the questioner asked.
Perry, who has worked to restrict and limit the EPA’s abilities, didn’t directly answer the question.
Instead, he spoke of the Chesapeake Bay strategy, which he said was “forced on” the state and “left some violators out.”
Then he added:
“And by the way, some violators ― if you believe in, if you’re spiritual and you believe in God ― one of the violators was God, because the forests were providing a certain amount of nitrates and phosphates to the Chesapeake Bay.”
The crowd can be heard shouting in disbelief as Perry spoke.
“Oh, c’mon,” one person cried out.
The first thing everyone should learn about politics is that there is zero correlation between political success and intelligence.