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Feminism Made Me a Nazi


The “these people are terrible but maybe they have a point” thinkpiece is a genre I doubt I’ll ever tire of.

Because it is not friendly to them, many men do not like postmodern society. They have been taught they have no innate call to leadership of home and church, and accordingly have lost the script for their lives. They have been encouraged to step back from being a breadwinner, and do not know what they are supposed to do with their lives.

Literally have no idea what this means, because I’m pretty sure even the most rabid of feminists is ok with men winning bread. It’s just that many women now want to win bread, too, as opposed to baking it. Or heck, do both! But what’s the matter with two crazy kids getting together to bump uglies and amass a huge bread collection? Nothing, that’s what. What the author won’t say but is implicit is that some men want women to take a step back and not have any *roll* at all in bread-mongering.


They have been told that they talk too loudly and spread their legs too wide, and thus do not fit in with a feminized society.

People keep using this word “feminized” and I still have no idea what it means or how it applies to “society” at large. Is he saying that society is feminized because some folks told men to quit airing out their balls on the subway?

Men are disappearing, but they are not vanishing. They are moving out of the mainstream, and into the shadows.

Many men do not want this. Many men do not want to fall back. Many men want a challenge. They want to work. It is not in their nature to sit back; men on average have 1,000 percent more testosterone than women. Men know they are not superheroes, but they watch superhero movies because they wish in the quietness of their own lives to be a hero to someone, even just one wife and a few children. Men have a “glory hunger” that is unique and in many cases undeniable. For the right cause, men are not only willing to sacrifice, and even die, for the right cause they are glad to die.

Oh dear. Men hunger for glory, to be heroes. Wanna be a hero, boys? Wanna make a difference? Wanna feel like you matter? Like you’re doing something good? Simple, pimple. Serve your country in the military. Become a teacher, a doctor, a nurse, an EMT. Volunteer at a soup kitchen, a shelter for women (or men!) or animals, adopt a puppy, hold a preemie baby. There are literally tons of ways to be a hero to someone. But the problem is that these boys don’t want to do the hard work of actually earning their glory.

We will not find an easy solution to this troubled situation. The public square is roiled and shows no signs of calming down soon. True, restoring the family will greatly aid in the nurture and care of young men. Sure, strengthening the economy and putting men to work will help. Yes, tabling the speech codes and thought codes of the secular academy will bring some men back to the table.

We have thought codes now? We can control the thoughts of the young Pepes? Wow, we’re doing tremendously shitty with this power, cuz they still seem pretty awful. Are we not thought-coding hard enough? Should probably get on this…

But men need a deeper solution than this. They need something more than a message-board movement to join. They need a call to maturity, to repentance, to greatness, to leadership, to courage, to self-sacrifice on behalf of women and children. They need a hero: not a political performance-artist, but a true hero, a savior who, unlike a fallen culture, leaves no repentant man—or woman—behind.

Wait…don’t keep me in suspense…is this hero Jesus or Trump? I get them confused sometimes.

Snark aside, I find articles like this deeply offensive for 2 reasons:

1.) Young, middle-class white men are NOT MARGINALIZED.

2.) ACTUAL marginalized people–people who have real cause to be furious–have managed not to become nazis.

At point do we hold white men accountable for their toxic bullshit?

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