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A grifter loses another lawsuit:

A federal judge has ordered a golf club owned by President Donald Trump to refund nearly $6 million to members who said Trump’s team essentially confiscated refundable deposits after taking over the country club in 2012

U.S. District Court Judge Kenneth A. Marra ruled that the Trump National Jupiter Golf Club violated the contracts with members by retaining the fees and locking out many members who had declared their plans to resign.

“The Court concludes that the Plan documents, as properly interpreted, were intended to provide club members of the resignation list with a continuing right to use the Club facilities until their membership was reissued to a new member, provided the club member was otherwise in good standing with the Club,” Marra wrote in a 21-page decision issued Wednesday.

This is penny-ante by Trump standards. But can you imagine if a club owned by Bill and Hillary Clinton had been found to have ripped off members to the tune of 6 million? Before you answer that question, consider:

  • The media generated a years-long “scandal” out of a failed Arkansas real estate deal, ultimately leading to Bill Clinton’s impeachment, although this “scandal” revealed no misconduct by the Clintons whatsoever.
  • The two “scandals” that dominated the 2016 campaign, EMAILS! and “people asked Huma Abedin for meetings and didn’t get them, raising questions and casting shadows about the Clinton Foundation” revealed trivial and no misconduct on the part of Hillary Clinton, respectively.

This particular Trump scandal won’t get much coverage, in part because he’s done much worse and in part because his behavior as president is much more disturbing. But it’s also worth noting that Trump is in the White House because the media ginned up much less than this into scandals comparable to Trump’s endless history of fraud and dishonesty.  We really shouldn’t forget this as the Trump disaster proceeds.

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