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Here is a list of groups that will not save the world from DonTrump


Advisers to Napoleorange. If I understand this properly, the latest idea is his advisers will wise up to the fact that the Yammering Yam is out of control and a threat to the U.S. and they’ll curb his worst impulses. This sounds very nice. Because it’s a fantasy based on two very odd beliefs. One is that tRump’s hand-picked coterie of crooks, failures and fascists give a shit about the U.S. The other belief is that the Tantrump-in-Chief will not immediately fire anyone who does try to curb any of his impulses.

The Republican-controlled Congress. I know a lot of people hate Twitter; I happen to like it a great deal, but I had to ease off for a bit because every five minutes or so some numbskull wonders when Congress will impeach tRump. The answer of course is 20 minutes after everyone receives their twin unicorns in the mail.

Remorseful Republican voters. Pardon me, but I am highly fucking skeptical of the idea that the same shitty people who pumped kerosene into the Trumpster fire are going to stop, much less show up with fire extinguishers in 2020. At any rate, Just you wait four years then everything will be much better, has never been a satisfactory response to any problem. (Exception: Babies.)

I suppose one could come up with a series of events that result in Republican voters staying away from the polls. However, that number will have to be significantly greater than the number of people who will be kept away from the polls by the Republicans’ Minority Voters = Criminals campaign. I think the twin unicorns will show up first.

The Ancient & Exalted Guild of Fence Sitters, Middle of the Roadsters, CisHet White Men Who Don’t Like Politics to Acknowledge Other Identities, Goldilockians & Manticores Who Will Vote for Democrats if Approached the Right – NO YOU DID IT WRONG & RUINED EVERYTHING NOW HAVE 4 MORE YEARS OF TRUMP!!!!

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