Arkansas’ latest anti-abortion law has a little bit of everything for misogynists

Would life under a Republican who isn’t Trump be better for women? Let’s go to Arkansas to find out!
The “Unborn Child Protection From Dismemberment Abortion Act,” signed into law last week by Gov. Asa Hutchinson (R), bans dilation and evacuation procedures, in which the physician removes the fetus from the womb with surgical tools. D&E procedures are the safest and most common way women can end their pregnancies after 14 weeks of gestation, according to the American Medical Association.
It is a teeny thing I know, but who the hell comes up with the names for these things?
The ban on D&E pairs well with the fact that that Arkansas already makes it difficult for women to receive a abortion during the first trimester.
The law, HB1032, defines an unborn child as “an individual organism of the species Homo sapiens from fertilization until live birth” at which point the sort of people who pass these bills cease to give a fuck and – because lines are never blurred enough for the GOP – a woman as ” a female human being whether or not she has reached the age of majority.”
The law also intimidates abortion providers by allowing people to sue the doctor who performs or attempts to perform a D&E unless it was required to save the pregnant woman or girl’s life: The person seeking the abortion, the husband of the person seeking the abortion or parents of a minor seeking an abortion. I don’t know how many providers in Arkansas perform D&E, but once this law goes into effect they’re going to be swamped by idiots trying to run their own sting operations.
In addition, a patient, the patient’s husband/guardian (same difference in The Patriarchy) or another health care provider of the patient can file an injunction against the provider who intends to perform the abortion.
Since a patient who doesn’t want an abortion can not have one or cancel if she changes her mind, giving her the right to file an injunction would be merely stupid, if it weren’t so obviously an attempt to create the illusion of freedom. The woman, the husband and health care providers all have the right to control the woman’s body; if that doesn’t say equality, what does? But it gets worse (of course).
The law states that the husband cannot sue the doctor for money in cases of “criminal conduct” against his wife ― namely, spousal rape ― but he could still sue to block her from having the abortion.
Nothing says law and order like letting violent criminals control their victims.
A better, or at least more accurate name for the bill would have been Patriarchal Republicans Improving Reproductive Coercion in the Kakistocracy.