Protest Works
Congratulations to all the amazing people who went to the airports across the country at a moment’s notice–the lawyers, the translators, and the people just flat out outraged that our country has a fascist government. A federal judge has issued a stay–although not before too many people were immediately deported back to dangerous situations. The overwhelming pressure was already beginning to cause some Republicans to get real shaky about this, with Sasse, Flake, and Collins all coming out against the precise nature of the executive order, although none damning like they should.
This is what the next 4 years are going to be like–enormous challenges, some huge losses. But protest works. Masses of people make a major difference. And these people are going to vote in 2018 and they are going to vote in 2020. I don’t know if they can overcome Republicans rigging the game and committing massive voter fraud, but the left has not been this angry, motivated, and acting on it in a long, long, long time. Republicans–we are coming for you.
We have many protests to come. Go to them. Be part of the resistance. Fight fascism.