Pixelated prophets remain a RW bug-bear
Michelle Malkin, noted stalker of school children, right wing journalist and generally unpleasant person spotted a BAD THING in an NYT article about the attack at an Istanbul nightclub. Sound the kazoo of doom! Aux armes, gitoyens!
Let’s see. There’s the practice of blurring images of Muhammad to avoid offending Muslims. And a reporter/photographer/translator may tell an employer Hey, could you not to run my name on this piece, I think that would get me killed. Thnx!
In a number of other countries, you may not wish to be identified in a byline or credit line. You should understand the implications of having your name appear on a story produced by a news organization based in a country seen as an adversary. Clearly convey to the assigning outlet your wishes about being identified.
Yes, these outrageous and identical things are identically outrageous. To people who take pride in being stupid, at least.
As an aside, I do wonder if reporters in the U.S. will start pulling their bylines to protect themselves from Count Trumpula’s army of Renfields.