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NFL Divisional Round Open Thread #2: Welcome to JerryWorld


Hopefully we can improve on the .5 of a good game we’ve had so far. Meanwhile, let us savor one of the tiny handful of good things in our horrible political moment, the ritual humiliation of Trump early adopted Chris Christie:

Chris Christie’s job approval is at a career low.

Nearly three-quarters of New Jersey voters, and half his fellow Republicans, said in a recent poll that he should have been a defendant in the trial over the George Washington Bridge lane closings, in which two of his former aides were convicted last month.

And in a stinging turnabout, Bill Stepien, the campaign manager whom Mr. Christie dismissed in the so-called Bridgegate scandal, is expected to become Donald J. Trump’s White House political director, while Mr. Christie was fired as transition chief and shut out of jobs in Mr. Trump’s administration, despite having been one of his earliest big-name supporters.

Welcome home, Governor.

“Governor Christie has been abandoned by virtually everyone,” Krista Jenkins, director of the Fairleigh Dickinson University PublicMind Poll, said when the findings showing his approval rating at 18 percent were released this month.

Sad. But you can’t give up hope:

Mr. Christie still believes he has a political future nationally. He wants to write a book and his friends have been telling people in New Jersey that the governor expects Mr. Trump to eventually come around to him.

Sure. Volunteer to take charge of the daily KFC delivery to the White House and it will be a done deal.

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