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Today in Trump’s America



The official journal of the Trump administration is acting as responsibly as ever.

A Jewish family has temporarily left its Lancaster County, Pennsylvania home, citing fear of retribution after coming under fire from conservative news outlets that blamed it for the cancellation of an elementary school production of “A Christmas Carol.”

Speaking on condition of anonymity, the family told LancasterOnline in an interview published Wednesday that they did not complain about the Centerville Elementary School play or ask for its cancellation. Instead, they said they requested that their fifth-grade child be excused from the production. They said the school granted that request, but that their child was harassed by classmates after the play was canceled in November.

Fox News, which painted the incident as part of a larger “war on Christmas” narrative in a column that blared “SCROOGE!”, and Breitbart both ran stories over the weekend about the cancellation. Both Fox News’ and Breitbart’s articles cited parents who claimed to a local news station that the cancellation was the result of two unnamed parents’ complaints about a single line in the play: “God bless us, every one.”

The Hempsfield School District said in a statement that it has received at least 200 emails and phone calls about the decision to cancel the play in light of that national attention. According to the statement, the play was “absolutely not” canceled because of complaints about the “God bless us” line and “had nothing to do with a religious concern.”

“As we have already shared, the decision was not influenced by parents,” the statement read. “It became clear that the teachers had concerns about committing roughly 20 hours of instructional time to something that is not part of the fifth grade curriculum.”

The family that spoke with LancasterOnline said they pulled their child out of school and temporarily left the area after reading comments on the Breitbart story that speculated about obtaining and publishing their address.

Who knew that a fascist website that helped elect a fascist to the Oval Office would lead to such negative consequences?

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