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Misogyny – Buckeye State style


Ohio’s General Assembly just can’t get enough of that sweet lady-hating legislation.

Ohio legislators passed a “heartbeat bill” Wednesday that bans abortion after a fetus’s heartbeat can be heard — on average around six weeks into a pregnancy. The bill has no exception for cases of rape or incest.

The bill was tacked on at the last minute to another bill addressing child abuse. It was approved in the Republican-dominated state House and Senate, and will now move on to Republican and anti-abortion Gov. John Kasich’s desk. He will sign or veto it within the next 10 days.

Forced pregnancy logic – stick a bill that will increase the number of unwanted children onto a bill about child abuse. I assume the fact that some victims of child abuse will be forced to give birth to children fathered by their abusers is seen as a good thing by the people who draft and vote for these sorts of bills.

Many women do not know they are pregnant until they have missed two periods, which can often be around eight weeks. Others may find out before the six-week mark, but might still be unable to get an abortion in time because there are a lack of clinics in Ohio and state laws require women wait 24 hours between an informational appointment about abortion and having the procedure done.

And what’s better than oppressing women with one arbitrary ban on a medical procedure? Of course.

Abortions would be banned after 20 weeks under a bill Republican lawmakers hoped to pass Wednesday and add to legislation already on its way to GOP Gov. John Kasich that would prohibit abortions once a fetal heartbeat is detected.

House lawmakers heard testimony about the 20-week ban Wednesday morning with a scheduled committee vote in the afternoon and a goal to put it on the House floor later in the day.

That follows House approval Tuesday night of the so-called heartbeat bill, clearing the way for what would be one of the nation’s most stringent abortion restrictions.

The second bill may be due to the fact that Gov. Kasich has expressed doubts about the 6-week ban. Or, an excess of evil.

I wonder how long it will take our new Republican Congress to pass their Life Begins at Hello bill?

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