Links o’ the Day
Some links for your Wednesday:
- Tom Nichols takes on “How Could the USSR Have Won the Cold War?”
- Children of Men ten years on. I suspect the biggest reason that it hasn’t received due acclaim is because it’s just so goddamn difficult to watch; I’ve never managed a second viewing.
- Progress in Chinese seapower and airpower in 2016.
- Kentucky’s position on this list is… disappointing. I shall redouble my efforts.
- China is developing a Very Long Range Air-to-Air Missile (VLRAAM)…
- Lots to read about the passing of Carrie Fisher; this is a passable start. One heartening piece of the tragedy is that she seems to be receiving the same kind of serious critical attention as Leonard Nimoy, another fine performer strongly associated with a particular science fiction character.
In other news, I have continued to update our SEK: In Memorium page. If you know of any good remembrances that I’ve missed, please list them in comments.