God created Diana & Steve, not Diana & Eve!
Comic book writer Greg Rucka reached the opposite-of-shocking conclusion that had they existed, Amazons would have formed sexual/romantic relationships with other women.
It can’t be! it just can’t be! sputtered Steve Deace like Roger Rabbit before he fired off a screed containing many words and crashed through the window, leaving behind a Deace-shaped hole in the Venetian blinds and a nonplussed Eddie Valiant.
The butler Alfred tells Bruce Wayne that the duty of Batman is to “endure” what others cannot. That’s a Christ-like sacrifice.
Because, you see, progressives can’t help themselves, especially once infested with the contagion known as post-modernism. Like a swarm of locusts, they cannot stop tearing down everything that is right and just until the entire harvest of good crops has been devoured, leaving only a barren wasteland of nihilism behind. Since they reject being made in the image of the one, true God, they self-righteously anoint themselves gods qualified to remake us in their own broken image instead.
++++Out of overwrought metaphor error. Redo from start.++++
Fortunately some snarkophiliacs created an annotated version, which makes the original tolerable. Sort of. It’s probably better to stick to the annotations.