Today in Donald Trump’s Authoritarianism
Julian Assange warned us that if Hillary Clinton was elected everyone would be immediately locked in shackles:
U.S. Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump said on Wednesday he would consider using “stop-and-frisk” policing methods to cut crime if elected, according to two people who attended a Fox News “town hall” taping at a predominantly African-American church in Cleveland.
With the race tightening between Trump and Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton in the final weeks before the Nov. 8 election, the Republican candidate recently began wooing African-American voters.
Stop-and-frisk, however, has been the target of protests and successful legal challenges in New York and other big American cities in recent years as a tactic that unfairly singles out minority citizens and violates their civil rights.
In the tactic, officers stop pedestrians, question them and then search them for weapons or contraband.
At the town hall, Trump praised stop-and-frisk, according to an excerpt of the interview released by Fox News.
Two salient points about the Bloomberg/Guiliani stop-and-frisk program seem worth noting. First, it was racially discriminatory. Second, there’s no reason whatsoever to believe that it played any role in the drop in New York City’s crime rates. But Hillary Clinton once used the word “superpredator” so really not a dime’s worth of difference.