Rod Dreher Presents “Totally True Stories that Actually Happened and Are Absolutely Not Made Up, Starring Rod Dreher and the Benedict Optioners”
Folks, here’s a guest post by our friend Rod Dreher. Enjoy! (THIS IS A PARODY.)
Friends, people send me letters. They know the world is changing, they don’t like it; and because they’re good people who don’t like to make the fuss, they need a place to vent. Oftentimes, I’m their ventee. Recently a friend of mine sent me email about her experience with the Trans Menace. I’m paraphrasing her account here.
My friend had taken her teenage son to see the Captain America: Civil War movie for his birthday. In line behind them waiting to buy tickets stood several men in their early 30s who were obviously transgendered, and a young woman who presented as a man, though was plainly a female. My friend, “N.”, said the group started talking about murdering hobos, including their favorite execution methods, their favorite hobo-dispatching weapons, you name it. One of the group was 20; an older transgender said to him, “You’re just a kid now, but when you turn 21, we’re going to take you out and get you broken in.” They proposed riding the rails for a cross-country killing spree.
On and on like this. And more transgenders joined them, not waiting in line, but moving towards the front to stand with their friends. N. told me that the trans group was very aware of itself, and did not care who heard their filthy murder talk.
N. said, “These transgenders went on and on–loudly and proudly–about how much they liked killing hobos.”
It got me wondering: if the transgenders are so willing to wantonly brag about killing hobos, who’s next? Old-timey prospectors? Obnoxious hipsters with interesting-terrible beards? It could be you, even if you’re beardless. What’s a good Christian to do? I recommend shutting yourself off from the world, shitting yourself constantly and writing totally true accounts about your experiences the LGBTQ community. It’s really the only option these days.