NFL Open Thread: But He’s Just A Compiler
Belichick is now tied for 4th in all-time coaching wins. I think we have to consider the possibility that he’s one of the better coaches in the NFL right now.
Seriously, for those interested in that kind of thing I strongly recommend Dom Cosentino’s piece. Bill James had a piece in one of the Abstracts arguing that one thing that distinguished the first-rate managers from the rest of the pack is that they were not only good the multiple aspects of the job (in-game tactics, managing players and media, and longer-term talent development and evaluation) but were thinking on all of the levels simultaneously. That’s Belichick to a T. He’s an exceptional game-planner and in-game adjuster, and at least a very good talent evaluator and motivator, and he also seems to be able to fuse short-term and longer-tern considerations seamlessly in a way that’s difficult even for good coaches.
I think this also helps to explain the relative failure of his coaching tree — being good at the limited role you have doesn’t necessarily train you to do the other things you need to do as a head coach. McDaniels really does seem to be a first-rate playcaller/gameplanner in Belichick’s system, but no matter how good a tactician you are, it’s not going to make you a good head coach if you’re as bad at picking players and managing them as he was. (To be Scrupulously Fair, no sane organization is going to start McDaniels with personnel control again, and he was young for an NFL coach when he got the Denver job, and it’s possible that he’s matured and would be better working with players now. I still don’t know that I’d want my organization to be the guinea pig.)