Important Links this Friday Morning
Good morning. I hope your Friday is off to a great start. Enjoy…(?)…these links:
The Jerk Store is all out of me because I'm a small-batch, artisanal jerk.
— bspencer (@vacuumslayer) August 25, 2016
- The Alt-Right has its own TV show.
- Piggy-backing a bit off Erik’s post, here’s more on Trump voters.
- Curt Schilling is angry.
- It’s been a couple of days since I read it but I recall thinking this article on the “Stranger Things” “flaws” reads as if Freddie deBoer got a job doing entertainment reporting.
"The air was redolent with the scent of boys on the alt-right and alt-left not being able to grasp the concept of nuance."
— bspencer (@vacuumslayer) August 25, 2016
Erm, that's a not a friend. It's just a really mean rabbit.
— bspencer (@vacuumslayer) August 25, 2016