Imagine There’s No Polls, They Wouldn’t Have to be Unskewed
With Trump’s campaign circling the drain, the inevitable trooferism is happening. Sure, Jim Hoft’s reworking of HA Goodman is funny, but I think this will always be my favorite UNSKEW THE POOLS moment of the election:
It was easy to make fun of all this wishful thinking, but it was understandable given the timing. That Donald Trump’s supporters are already manifesting the same fingers-in-the-ears la-la-la-la-I-can’t-hear-you self-deception three months before Election Day is harder to accept.
But it’s happening. Trump himself has a habit of criticizing individual polls he doesn’t like. Some of his fans are getting more systematic about it. Radio-talk-show host Bill Mitchell offered this Zen-like observation on Twitter: “Imagine polls don’t exist. Show me evidence Hillary is winning?”
We have a winner, although I hope this doesn’t cause the Wall Street Journal to abandon plans to send Peggy Noonan on a lawn sign tour of suburban Dallas with a bottle of Grey Goose.