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Late-period Obama continues to be highly entertaining as well as right:

[T]here is no magic to the phrase of ‘radical Islam.’ It is a political talking point. It is not a strategy. And the reason I am careful about how I describe this threat has nothing to do with political correctness and everything to do with actually defeating extremism … ”

Not once has an adviser said, ‘Man, if we use that phrase, we are going to turn this whole thing around,’ not once. So someone seriously thinks that we don’t know who we are fighting? If there is anyone out there who thinks we are confused about who our enemies are — that would come to a surprise of the thousands of terrorists we have taken out on our battlefield.

I think the concerns people have about Clinton as a candidate are not without force; she does some things well and some things much less well. But I do think people are underrating what an asset Obama is going to be on the stump, particularly given the context of this election. Basically, we’re going to be in for several months of this:

This is humiliation almost certainly played a major role in Trump deciding to run. Fortunately, he’s much more likely to get humiliated on a much larger scale than to get his revenge.

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