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The Workers Party?


The thing about Trump is that he really is the only presidential candidate in U.S. history who will say literally anything. The danger is that people will take some or all of it seriously, either because some of it touches them where they live even though it is probably a lie or because of blind hatred for Hillary Clinton or just because they are low-information voters. Thus Trump’s claim to make the GOP the party of the workers.

“Five, 10 years from now — different party. You’re going to have a worker’s party,” Trump said in the May 17 interview. “A party of people that haven’t had a real wage increase in 18 years, that are angry.”

Trump reiterated that cutting Social Security would be a “big mistake” for the GOP, remarking that “[c]utting it the wrong way is a big mistake, and even cutting it [at all].”

The presumptive nominee’s views would not appear to have come about through intense retrospection. “My views are what everybody else’s views are. When I give speeches, sometimes I’ll sign autographs and I’ll get to talk to people and learn a lot about the party,” he said, admitting that he had not closely followed past Republican efforts to reform the immigration system.

This is of course the definition of bullshit. Maybe Trump actually wouldn’t sign a bill cutting social security but for the most part, he will sign any bill a Republican Congress sends to his desk. His list of potential Supreme Court nominees consists of not a single one who wouldn’t vote for the plaintiffs in Friedrichs. We already know he has no actual interest in governing. But he knows he can say anything he wants and at least 45% of the voters will go along. So he keeps saying it.

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