Two Awful Tastes That Taste Even Worse Together
The Republican front-runner spoke to approximately 10,000 people at the downtown Albany arena Monday night but had to stop five times due to demonstrators.
Opening the rally, businessman Carl Paladino, who is organizing Trump’s efforts in New York, spoke about the candidate and the groundswell of support he has received.
“They call us the silent majority … how silent are you?” he asked the crowd, which erupted in a roar.
Using a theme that would repeat throughout the evening, Paladino asked, “Are we going to build that wall? Are we going to make Mexico pay for it?”
The thousands of supporters responded with a thundering “yes,” and followed up with their chant, “Build that wall. Build that wall.”
Ah, yes, Carl Palidino — the man who rode anti-Muslim demagoguery to the Republican nomination and then ran a disastrous general election campaign involving yet more racism, threats of violence, stuff like that there. Trump before Trump, one might say. Perfect.