R. Salam gets his wish
I just voted for Ted Cruz in New York’s Republican primary, and it was not a hard call. The emotions I most closely associate with this campaign season are, in no particular order, dread, despair, rage, and mournful resignation.
Another assistant bed maker finds the results of his work aren’t comfy. Sad!
No, I’m under no illusion that Cruz will win the New York primary outright. Donald Trump is quite popular among Republicans in New York. Almost every recent survey has him comfortably above the all-important 50 percent marker statewide, which means he is all but certain to win the lion’s share of New York’s delegates. I’m nevertheless holding out hope that I will be able, in my own infinitesimally small way, to help deny Trump one of the three delegates that my congressional district, New York’s 10th, will send to the Republican National Convention.
Should have clapped harder.
Cruz’s conservative populism might not be the best way forward for Republicans. … But there is no doubt in my mind that Cruzism is a better foundation for the party’s future than Trump’s odious authoritarianism.
Odious is not a synonym for unsubtle or loud. But I don’t expect Cruzismers to admit that they like him because he’s a raging bigot who isn’t common.
That’s why I voted for Ted Cruz, and that’s why I’m hoping my fellow New Yorkers did the same.
Well. A few did.