Has anyone ever seen D. Trump and B. Sanders in the same room?
“Thanks” to commentarion Carolannie for calling my attention to an article that deserves a spot next to “Liberals should pull Conservatives out of the cesspit they created because nicey-nice something.” And that spot should be the middle of a roaring fire.
Trump and Sanders share an angry tone and a raw, un-politician-like affect that their supporters find refreshingly authentic. But the similarities don’t end there by any means. Trump and Sanders have a remarkable number of policy stances in common. Here’s a quick list:
- Both oppose the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal.
- Both support maintaining or expanding current levels of Social Security benefits.
- Both support some upper-income tax hikes.
- Both lament the pernicious role of money in politics (this is why, as Stan herself notes, Trump likes to falsely claim he’s funding his own campaign).
- Both opposed the Iraq war (Stan herself notes that Trump “would have left Saddam Hussein in power”) and believe the money spent on it could have been put to better use domestically.
- Both have been known to worry that increased immigration could depress working-class wages.
- Both have supported single-payer health care.
- Both have flip-flopped on gun control.
There’s no getting around the fact that Trump and Sanders have a lot in common. Maybe liberals ought to just embrace it.
I have nothing to add because what else is there to say? And, I can’t stop giggling.