I Look Forward to Holding the Cosby Chair in Women’s Studies. Or Perhaps the Wolfowitz Chair in Islamic Studies. Or Maybe the Ken Lay Chair in Energy and Business
Is there any figure so utterly loathsome that a university, especially an elite one who could easily afford it, would turn down or return money from them? The answer is obviously no. And that leads us to the Martin Shkreli Professor of Pediatric Nephrology at NYU.
New York University’s medical school has no plans to remove Martin Shkreli’s name from an endowed professorship, a spokeswoman told The Huffington Post this week.
The professorship named for Shkreli — the result of a donation from Shkreli that was not publicized — is currently held by Howard Trachtman. Trachtman previously served as a consultant at Retrophin, where Shkreli was CEO.
NYU’s medical school declined to say how much money Shkreli donated, when it was given or whether there were any stipulations attached. However, the school said that — despite the previous collaboration between Trachtman and Shkreli — it had no ethical concerns.
Did Shkreli simply get to name who held this chair when he gave the money?
Of course, we already know that NYU is an institution whose leaders lack even the most basic forms of morality and that said leadership is turning the institution into a real estate hedge fund backed with federal student loans. So of course it isn’t going to return Shkreli’s money. That would be counter to its goal of being a university by the rich, for the rich. No doubt it is contacting Donald Trump as we speak for a Trump Chair in American White Nationalism.