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False Flag of Convenience


The New York Second is no longer the shortest measurement of time. It has been replaced by the Patriot Planck. That is, the amount of time it takes for the SIG-stroking jugheads and their fans to scream “False Flag!” when a fellow jughead does something that is so unpopular that they can’t shrug it of as liberal media bias.

Here’s Mike Vanderboegh, one of the many patrionauts who wants to start an idiots’ intifada against the oppressive evil forces of the tyrannical government that oppressively and evilly and tyrannically sends him a disability check each month (really):

In a statement published on his blog, Sipsey Street Irregulars, yesterday, Vanderboegh called the leaders of the Oregon takeover “federal provocateurs, sociopaths and idiots with a John Brown complex.”
Pretty strong meat from a guy who starts screaming Civil War! when he only gets three ketchup packets at McDonald’s.

“Ladies and gentlemen, don’t let Obama be successful when it comes to starting civil unrest and riots in this country,” Jones said. “They will use that as a civil emergency to bring in a type of soft martial law.”

At first I thought soft martial law is martial law that hasn’t taken a little blue pill. On further reflection I decided it’s imaginary martial law.

He went on to say that “federal provocateurs” are leading militia groups to launch false flag attacks like the Oklahoma City bombing. “All hell is breaking loose in the stock market, militarily overseas, so many issues, and the establishment is going to want a political diversion here in America and they’ve been putting out the talking points that white terrorists are going to start attacking, that white terrorists are going to be involved in insurrection.”
Sure. Militia groups are big, tough, determined, independent, Americans who are hyper-vigilant about The Government and all its wiles and so stupid that they can’t spot a narc in their midst. And these are the dudes who are supposed to come racing to the rescue when Obama cancels elections, wakes the Old Ones and become King God forever and ever?
Good, I’d hate for anything to interfere with Obama/Cthulhu 2016.
(Confidential to Metallica fans who are offended by the association of the band with the Teahadists: Please leave. Thank  you.)
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