Thanks, of course, to Scott L. for getting the jump on this one.
My friends know that I have a certain attitude towards pop music: it needs to continually and frenetically push the boundaries, redefine itself, and never look back.
When i woke at 6am (GMT) to set up the morning coffee, I looked at my phone in order to figure out the time of the day. I saw the newsflash, and it didn’t register. I told my girlfriend that Bowie had died, but it still didn’t register. He just had a birthday two days ago, and on his birthday released his new (and final) record, which BBC Radio 6 had been previewing for the past couple weeks. What 6 has played, it’s typical Bowie: awesome, and unlike anything he had done.
Bowie came close to capturing the ideal: never look back.
Lacking words, we will look back. I’ll leave you with this, perhaps the best marriage of two outsized performers and artists. And I’m old enough to have bought the 45 when it was released.
EDIT: read this, it’s better than anything I could possibly conjure up.