A Few Saturday Morning Links
The #BundyEroticFanFic hashtag is perfect, will make America great again.–https://t.co/MAEBugJ3xF pic.twitter.com/1OrbVAJQbY
— SportsGrid (@SportsGrid) January 7, 2016
- One weirdo at The Federalist thinks that how you pronounce “Islam” says something significant about your politics. Sometimes I pronounce it “Izlam” and sometimes I pronounce it “conservativeshavestinkybutts,” but mostly I don’t pay much attention to how I say it.
- This article by Julieanne Smolinski about being funny and being in an abusive relationship is a really tough (and hilarious) read. I was cringing and laughing, alternately.
- My latest piece is here.
- If you haven’t yet, please enjoy the hottest romance I’ve read so far this winter, #bundyeroticfanfic