What are the odds of a right-wing freakout over Google’s Veteran’s Day doodle?
Looks like we’ve got maybe one white guy among the seven veterans pictured, although he looks suspiciously Mexican to me.
This isn’t as bad as Starbucks literally* putting an image of Satan on this year’s Christmas season cups but it’s pretty bad.
*In the sports broadcaster’s sense of literally.
. . . So ten seconds after posting this I googled “veterans day google doodle white men” and:
Well over 99% of those that have ever given their lives in service to the United States were white males, yet the only one featured on the doodle is an elderly man off to the left in the back. Are you serious? We have two African Americans, a Hispanic man, an Asian man and three women, yet one white guy (with a darkened skin tone at that)? Why not just wipe your asses with their memory? This PC nonsense is getting pathetic. At least 75% of the current army is comprised of white men as well. What reality do you live in? If you put up a picture of the globetrotters with mostly white guys the internet would flip shit, however, we know google would never ever do that.
And we’re off.
Also, too, I thought the white guy was the third person from the right (click on link for whole image). But apparently my initial suspicions were correct and he’s actually Mexican, according the demographer above anyway.