Friday Links: What is the LEGACY of LGM? Edition
- This critique of analyses of “legacy” as a pretext for selective moralizing — source of the above graphic — is outstanding.
- Ted Cruz comes out for the sacred right of public officials to be paid for refusing to do your job and denying the rights of citizens.
- The implications of the failure to stop the Iran deal.
- I can’t stand this kind of passive-aggressive defense of the NCAA. “Instead of paying the players, make the NCAA a completely non-commercial enterprise.” How about, instead, we allow players to be paid both directly and by third parties that want to, and we can revisit the issue when the NCAA stops becoming a commercial enterprise never. (Inevitably, the article deploys another common trick: raising issues that are endemic to all markets as if they’re novel and impossible to solve. What if some players are more valuable than others? Uh, they get paid more?)
- Speaking of Orval Faubus, an anniversary of lawlessness.
- Intelligent Ballghazi analyses from Sally Jenkins and Rachael Axon.
- On the unintelligent side of the spectrum, dig this. “Brady will not succeed…dederal judges are reluctant to reconsider the rulings of arbitrators” fair enough. “Goodell produced a decision on Brady that is brilliantly reasoned, meticulously detailed, and well-written” hahahahaha you have to be shitting me. The eternal question about Goodell’s media fluffers: stupid, corrupt, or both?