Belated Creature Feature: I AM THE SMARTEST (WO)MAN ALIVE
My son has recently gotten into bird-watching. Translation: I have gotten into bird-watching because I have to as my son has taken a serious interest in birds (also, I’m really digging it). We have bird-feeders, Cardinal feeders and hummingbird feeders set up and we’ve attracted a sweet little variety of birds to our yard. So far we’ve identified House Finches, American Goldfinches, Northern Cardinals, House Sparrows (our most abundant visitors), Red-Winged Blackbirds, Rock Doves, and Brown-headed Cowbirds. BUT we had this cute little bird that has a nest on our front porch and rarely leaves our house we could not identify. We bought books. We consulted bird-watching apps. COULD NOT figure out what our mystery bird was. Finally, I got fed up and…did something revolutionary–I Googled it. And I found out our mystery bird was…
Did I just put an Adam Sandler video on this esteemed blog? Yes, yes I did. I realize this is the pop culture equivalent of liking ketchup and vodka, but that’s totally how I felt when I found an exact match for my query–I AM THE SMARTEST WOMAN ALIVE!
Also, our own Dr. Bimler would like you to look at this amazing new ceratopisan.