On the Other Side
Shorter Glenn Reynolds and Kevin Williamson: you can love the United States, you can oppose any significant portion of the 2012 Republican Party platform, but not both.
I will say, though, that he might be on to something with his assertion that “even those who are, at first, repelled by Giuliani’s argument may find doubts lingering, and perhaps even growing, as they look at Obama’s presidency in a new light.” I, for one, am extremely frightened by the prospect that the smears of a steadfast patriot and moral giant like Guiliani will get more attention. Surely, people will start to think stuff like “if Obama loves the United States, why won’t he show how much he cares by, say, nominating an incompetent mobbed-up crook to head the Department of Homeland Security?” And I don’t think the Democrats can survive this. Please, please, Scott Walker: don’t endorse his comments rather than ducking the question.