Catching Up on Links, Catching Up with GamerGate and a Fool-Proof Plan to Drain the North Sea
I’ve been out of commission for awhile, but y’all have still been sending links. Thank you!
“I meant to do that.”—Pee Wee Herman
— bspencer (@vacuumslayer) January 14, 2015
- Admitted rapist Roosh accidentally publishes a Birch manifesto on his manly beer boobs testicles penis boner semen gaming site, Reaxxion. LULZ are to be had. Keks, even, I am told by people are not 80 million years old like me.
- While I was sick (I’m actually still sick, just slowly getting better) I had a little time to get horizontal and just read and lurk. Since I can’t seem to quit GamerGate, I had to find a way to filter its awfulness for the sake of my mental health. So I started getting my GG fix here. It’s GamerGhazi, reddit’s premiere anti-GamerGate circlejerk. Check it out.
- If there’s anything I like more than the florid, melodramatic movie-villian-speak GGer’s use ALL. THE. TIME. it’s the way that they are so susceptible to epic trolling. Sometimes it almost makes me feel sorry for them. Then I remember they are SWATing, doxxing, harrassing, buttboils and my sympathy disappears.
- Dr. Bimler would like you to know that robots are no longer considered dangerous. Although mine keeps giving me the stinkeye while dragging his robot finger across his neck, so I remain unconvinced.
- Dr. Bimler would also like you know about this One Weird Trick to increase land mass in Europe. Sea-dwelling animals hate it!
- In other news, I was worrying about analingus on television before worrying about analingus on television was cool. Because SATC did an episode broaching the subject over a decade ago.